Prof.univ.dr. Avram FILIPAȘ
On the 20th of September 1990, a group, mainly made up of teaching stuff members, gathered to establish, on the grounds of Law no. 21/1924, Titu Maiorescu Independent University Association. By Sentence no. 59/25 January 1991, delivered by the Law Court of district 1 Bucharest, Titu Maiorescu Independent University Association was awarded a legal personality.Founding members: Avram Filipaş, Gheorghe Niculescu, Vasile V. Cândea, Mioara Slavu, Maria Magdalena Săvescu, Corneliu Zaharia, Stelorian Stănescu, Mihai Şerban Voiculescu, Mihai Stănescu, Virgil Ciubotau, Andrei Gherghi, Lidia Storosciuc, Livia Văsui, Dan Dumitrescu, Ioan Rădulescu, Petre Wilhem Lucan, Andrei Voinea, Aurel Dincu, Ioan Tonei Ciobanu, Gabriela Burducea, Ecaterina Ciocan. The associates decided unanimously to elect as rector Prof. Avram Filipas, PhD, who occupied this position until his death in 2006.
According to the new statutory provisions on the Romanian higher education, Law no. 239 of 23 April 2002 establishes Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest.