This site is co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013.


Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013
Priority Axis 3: “Increasing the adaptability of workers and enterprises”
Key area of intervention 3.1: Promoting entrepreneurial culture
Title of the project: Young Entrepreneurs in the European Space. Promotion of culture and development of entrepreneurial skills at the students of private and public universities in Bucharest through transnational partnership – TASE
Contract number: POS DRU / 32 / 3.1 / G / 37316
Project co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013 – “Invest in people!”


What is POS DRU?


Member States and regions of the European Union have access to European Social Fund (ESF) funding under a seven-year programming period. The current programming exercise takes place over the period 2007-2013.

In order to benefit from FSE assistance, Member States develop operational programs that are implemented by socio-economic actors such as education institutions, vocational training providers, SMEs, chambers of commerce and industry, social partners, ONGs, public institutions , local authorities, etc.

The overall objective of POS DRU is to develop human capital and increase its competitiveness by linking education and lifelong learning to the labor market and ensuring increased participation in a modern, flexible and inclusive labor market for 1,650,000 people.

Specific objectives of POS DRU are:

  • Promoting quality initial and continuing education and training, including higher education and research;
  • Promoting entrepreneurial culture and increasing the quality and productivity of work;
  • Facilitating young people’s access to the labor market;
  • Develop a modern, flexible and inclusive labor market;
  • Promoting (re) inserting into the labor market inactive people, including in rural areas;
  • Improving the Public Employment Service;
  • Facilitating vulnerable groups’ access to education and the labor market.

What are the priority axes of POS DRU?


The POS DRU finances seven fields of activity, also known as “priority axes”. Each of these priority axes is also subdivided into several sub-domains, also referred to as “Major Areas of Intervention”.

The POS DRU strategy comprises 6 priority axes and a priority axis dedicated to technical assistance, as follows:

Priority Axis 1 “Education and training to support growth and the development of a knowledge-based society”

It pursues the modernization of education and training systems by developing specific standards and tools at system level and by education and training providers, creating the conditions for the development of flexible lifelong learning paths, developing education and training offerings in line with labor market requirements, quality assurance at all levels of education, by improving the skills of teachers, trainers and researchers. In order to develop a knowledge-based society, innovative activities, doctoral and post-doctoral programs supporting economic competitiveness and growth will be supported.

Priority Axis 2 “Linking lifelong learning to the labor market”

Priority Axis 2 finances activities aimed at facilitating the transition from school to active life through the development of integrated career guidance and counseling programs and by supporting partnerships between schools, universities and businesses; preventing and correcting early school leaving through integrated programs to prevent school drop-out, encouraging school attendance and reintegration of those who left early school; increasing access to and participation in continuing vocational training by diversifying continuing vocational training programs and supporting employee participation in such programs.

Priority Axis 3 “Increasing adaptability of workers and enterprises”

Priority Axis 3 aims to promote entrepreneurial culture as an important factor in increasing economic competitiveness through training actions to provide basic management training to those who want to start a business by improving managerial skills at the level of small and medium enterprises by qualification and assistance for employees of those sectors affected by economic restructuring. At the same time, actions will be funded to improve the adaptability of enterprises, especially IMMs, and employees, to the changes that have occurred as a result of the introduction of modern technologies and new organizational solutions on a large scale. Partnership development will be sustained and initiatives for social partners and civil society will be encouraged.

Priority Axis 4 “Modernizing the Public Employment Service”


Modernization of the National Employment Agency will be addressed at national level to improve the quality of the public employment service, diversify the employment services provided, make them more visible and accessible to beneficiaries – unemployed people, people looking for a place work, employers.

Actions in this area financed through POS DRU will aim to: Ensure greater transparency of employment and training opportunities at national and local level in order to facilitate geographical and occupational mobility; better anticipation of labor market needs, including deficiencies and bottlenecks in the labor market; the proper management of labor migration.

Priority Axis 5 “Promoting active employment measures”

Priority Axis 5 proposes measures to motivate inactive people to reintegrate into the labor market, provide assistance and counseling, promote geographical and occupational mobility and eliminate periods of economic inactivity. The projects to be launched will promote active labor market measures for young unemployed and long-term unemployed, such as: vocational training, job mediation services, guidance and counseling, including the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills. In this respect, innovative schemes to stimulate the employment of young people and the long-term unemployed will be promoted, and accompanying measures to enter and maintain the labor market as much as possible. Regarding the rural population employed in subsistence farming, POS DRU will aim to attract this category to non-agricultural fields (tourism, services, construction, other branches of industry), for which integrated awareness programs on employment opportunities in other areas, vocational training, career counseling and career guidance, placement, etc.

Priority Axis 6 “Promoting Social Inclusion”

Through Priority Axis 6, the POS DRU will finance operations aimed at increasing social inclusion, preventing exclusion from the labor market and supporting the integration of vulnerable groups at a disadvantage in access to education and employment . Under the POS DRU, projects aiming at promoting the social economy as a factor for integrating people in employment difficulties (Roma population, people with disabilities, young people over 18 who leave the state child protection system , people who have suffered a conviction, etc.). At the same time, the development of integrated social services and the training of social assistance staff will be supported. Measures to ensure equal opportunities for women and men will be promoted and transnational initiatives in all areas will be encouraged.

Priority Axis 7 “Technical Assistance”

Priority Axis 7 finances actions to support the Managing Authority for the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development and Intermediate Bodies in implementing, monitoring and evaluating the Program, as well as informing beneficiaries on the areas where the FSE can be accessed.

For detailed information about the other programs co-funded by the European Union, we invite you to visit

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