For the attention of students, graduates and candidates for the study programs of Titu Maiorescu University
Following the Decision of the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations (CNSSU) of the Romanian Government, regarding the measures to reduce the risk of spreading the CORONAVIRUS infection (COVID-19) and the Decision of the Operative Executive Bureau no. 9 of 12th May 2020, access in the buildings of Titu Maiorescu University it will be done with a protective mask and in groups of maximum 2 people, abiding by the following indications:
- In the Rectorate building from 22 Dâmbovnicului Street access for the payment of fees at the cash desk is restricted to a maximum of 2 people, keeping a safe distance of at least 2 m from other people;
- In the Rectorate building from 22 Dâmbovnicului Street, the access for picking up the diplomas / study documents, from the Study Documents Office is made based on appointments, by phone: 021 316 16 43, int. 28, or by email:;
- In the Corp M building in 189 Calea Văcărești access to the secretariats of the faculties is made exclusively by the front entrance (next to the Café) and with the observance of the condition that only one person enters the secretariat;
- The exit from the Corp M building in 189 Calea Văcărești will be made exclusively through the back door (with access to the parking lot);
- In the IOR building – Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry from 67A Gheorghe Petrașcu Street access to the secretariats of the faculties is made exclusively through the front entrance and with the observance of the condition that only one person enters the secretariat;
- In the building of the Faculty of Pharmacy from 16 Gheorghe Șincai Boulevard access to the secretariat of the faculty is made in compliance with the condition that only one person enters the secretariat.
- Access to Building V from 187 Calea Văcărești Street is limited to Library only. The secretariats of the Faculty of Psychology has been moved to Building M from 189 Calea Văcărești Street, 1st floor, room M 101 (Research).
The secretariats of the Faculty of Law has been moved to Building M from 189 Calea Văcărești Street. Access is from the 1st floor on the secondary staircase to the Aula Magna.