As per the provisions of art. 6 of the Methodology for selecting by public competition the deans of the faculties of Titu Maiorescu University for the term 2020-2024, the Rector of Titu Maiorescu University announces the organization of the competition for selecting the deans of the faculties of Titu Maiorescu University for the term 2020-2024, between 13th and 27th July 2020.

The competition rules, the documents included in the application file and the competition procedure are provided in the Methodology for selecting by public competition the deans of the faculties of Titu Maiorescu University for the 2020-2024 term, published on the University’s website.

Applications will be submitted between 13th and 27th July 2020, to the Secretariat of the faculty for which the candidates are applying.

Prof. univ. Dr. Daniel COCHIOR