In the context of Romania’s accession to the European Union, the creation of the European Higher Education Area and its opening to all continents, the Bologna Process underway,

Taking into account the current trends of internationalization of universities, systematic integration in their strategies for the development of extra-national factors,

According to the Charter of the University,

“Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest adopts the short and medium term Strategic Program in the field of international relations, as follows:


I.1. The internationalization of the University will be considered as an integral part of Titu Maiorescu University’s development strategy, the external dimension becoming an implicit component of its actions in terms of training and quality of the educational process, student recruitment, teacher engagement, scientific research and activities to promote the University.

I.2 The University will develop the process of internationalization of the institution and will ensure the effective and permanent participation in these activities of the University leadership, faculties, teachers, departments and specialized departments.

II.1 European and international academic cooperation:
  • continuing and deepening the existing relationships with universities and academic institutions;
  • implementing the collaboration with Northwood University (USA), Universite du Littoral (France);
  • initiating activities and partnerships and identifying new possibilities for cooperation in education and scientific research (joint degrees, joint masters studies, joint doctoral studies, joint research projects);
  • establishing relationships with universities at regional level (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, etc.);
  • stimulating scientific cooperation with external partners, leading to concrete results published in specialized journals;
  • the inclusion of the external component in all research contracts or projects;
  • invitations to support conferences, lectures, lectures, as well as to establish cooperative relationships of foreign teachers and finding viable solutions for establishing joint long-term actions;
  • the University’s support of international cooperation from an academic, financial and logistic point of view as a priority objective;
II.2 European and international programs
  • developing LLP Program collaboration – Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig subprograms, signing new collaboration agreements for study and teaching stages;
  • increasing the number of student and teacher mobility;
  • initiating collaborations in the LLP Program with universities from countries such as: R. Ceha, Poland, Hungary;
  • participating as partners or coordinators in LLP projects (curriculum development, intensive projects, etc.)
  • identifying foreign partners (firms, companies, training organizations, etc.) and concluding bilateral agreements for student internships, funded by the Erasmus or Leonardo da Vinci Program.
II.3 Scientific or educational manifestations
  • organizing events with a teaching and / or scientific character (conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc.) with international participation. These will be organized in accordance with European and international standards and will be funded through taxes, sponsorships, European funds;
  • organizing, once every two years or annually, a summer school of TUM with international participation;
  • encouraging teachers to present communications and other interventions at congresses, conferences, other European and international events;
  • training at the University level of a core of English, possibly French, faculty with international capacity and openness, specializing in the direction of European policies in the field of education and research. They will participate in some debates of interest to the University (eg events organized by the European Association of Universities – EUA) and will regularly organize – within TMU – information sessions on the new European and international trends in education and research.
II.4 Foreign Students
  • increasing the number of foreign students in the LLP-Erasmus Program, as well as by independent people, by developing and diversifying the means of promoting Titu Maiorescu University abroad, updating and continuous improvement of the site in English by professionals in the field, groups with English and / or French teaching
II.5 European and international bodies
  • increasing the visibility of TUM in the European academic bodies of which it is a member (European Association of Universities, European Association of Erasmus Coordinators);
  • affiliation of TMU to 2-3 other European / international university organizations or networks, which carry out activities of interest to the University and have modest annual contributions.
II.6 Involving faculties and increasing the role of the international relations department
  • increasing the involvement of faculties (teachers, students), leadership and teaching staff responsible for international relations in these activities;
  • creating in each faculty a core for international relations, similar to those existing in European universities;
  • the creation of an international relations commission (at the level of the University of Western Higher Education Institutions) at the University level;
  • the development of a department of international relations and community programs, ensuring an appropriate status, as well as the importance of the activity in this direction, both internationally and nationally, given that the external dimension of a university is one of the criteria for institution evaluation higher education. This sector will support faculties, teachers and students in their internationalization activities at Titu Maiorescu University, in accordance with the attributions set out in the Organization’s and Functioning Regulations of the institution. It will also initiate and propose new activities in this direction;
  • finding concrete solutions for motivating the teaching staff responsible for international relations and involving a larger number of young people, debutants, students in these activities.
  • teacher training to address new trends and challenges in higher education and scientific research through: participation in language courses organized within TMU
  • the cultivation in the University of effective collaboration, collegiality, support and communication between faculties, departments, other departments.
  • the allocation of funds for international relations at the beginning of the year, as well as the creation at the institution level of such a fund to stimulate the participation of TMUs in external activities to be complementary to the funds received from the LLP Program or from research grants, other European and international programs;
  • the identification by each faculty, as well as by the departments at the Rector’s level, of new sources of funding (external, internal, sponsors, etc.)