In the academic year 2017-2018, you can enroll in psycho-pedagogical training programs. Students and faculty graduates may enroll from July 1 to July 31 and from September 1 to October 15, 2017 from Monday to Friday between 9 and 15.
• LEVEL I (Initial) 30 credits – six semesters
It will be carried out during the study program for the first to third years, during the semesters of the undergraduate cycle.
At this level, students can enroll in the first year at one of the faculties of “Titu Maiorescu” University.
Required documents:
- Copy of the baccalaureate diploma
- An attestation that he is a student in the first year of the year 2017-2018
- Copy of identity card
- Copy of birth certificate (marriage if applicable)
- Copy of medical certificate from family doctor
- Fee for the registration fee
University graduates who have completed the 30-credit psycho-pedagogical study program, corresponding to the first level of certification for the teaching profession, obtain the Graduation Certificate of S.P.D.P.P. Level I, which entitles them to occupy teaching positions in preschool, primary and gymnasium.
• LEVEL II (deepening) 30 credits – four semesters
It will be done only after obtaining the bachelor’s degree and may be followed by students enrolling in master’s or other postgraduate studies.
Required documents::
- Copy of the bachelor’s degree
- Copy of the baccalaureate diploma
- Copy of the LEVEL I graduation certificate
- Copy of identity card
- Copy of birth certificate (marriage if applicable)
- Medical certificate from family doctor
- Fee for the registration fee
Graduates of university studies who have completed the program of psycho-pedagogical studies of 60 credits, corresponding to Level II certification for the teaching profession, obtain the Graduation Certificate of S.P.D.P.P. Level II, which entitles them to take up teaching positions in high school, post-secondary and higher education, if they have graduated from a master’s degree program in the field of bachelor’s degree.
The graduation exam for each of the two levels of certification in the teaching profession is quoted with 5 credits, distinct from the 30 credits related to the subjects of didactic activities in the curriculum of the program of psycho-pedagogical studies.
• COMPACT PROGRAM of psycho-pedagogical studies (level I and level II) – two semesters
This compact program is only for people who have graduated with university degree at Titu Maiorescu University or other universities in the country. Following the courses of this compact program, 60 credits for both levels of certification for the teaching profession plus 10 credits for the two completion levels of the two levels are obtained.
Graduation examinations at each level consist of developing and supporting a didactic portfolio (a package of documents that synthetically reflect the level and quality of skills acquired by graduates through the psycho-pedagogical training program.
Required documents:
- Copy of the bachelor’s degree
- Copy of the baccalaureate diploma
- Copy of identity card
- Copy of birth certificate (marriage if applicable)
- Medical certificate from family doctor
- Fee for the registration fee
- Level I enrollment form (initial) – double-sided printing
- Level II enrollment form (deepening) – double-sided printing
- Type form of compact program registration – double-sided printing