About Us


The Faculty of Dental Medicine was founded in 1990, as part of the Faculty of Medicine.

Thus, we have accomplished the main purpose of the University – to offer an alternative to higher education in state universities; a high-quality alternative that has benefited from the highest standards of living and facilities, which has provided and made available for maiorescian students all three cycles of study – two-level bachelor studies – Dental Medicine and Dental Technique, studies Masters, but also PhD studies.

The prestige of the Dental Medicine Faculty consists in the quality of the studies, the facilities that the students benefit, the practical parties, so important during the studies, the efficiency and the performance of the university cadres who prepare the future doctors for such a noble profession.

The emphasis is placed on the practical part, an essential component in the training of students, in the “Titu Maiorescu” private clinical center for dental nursing, where they carry out their practical work, but also on the building of a system of moral principles on which the medical practice since Hipocrate until today.

Another fundamental component of the medical education practiced at the Faculty of Dental Medicine Titu Maiorescu is respect for the profession the graduate acquires, a complex profession that requires understanding, compassion and devotion to patients, but also dedication to continuous study.