About Us


The first number of the Annals Magasine of “Titu Maiorescu” University has appeared in 2002.

The goal was to mark the most important scientific results of the professors from the Law Faculty, and also of the persons which was collaborating with it.

It was intended thus to contribute to enhancing the prestige of our teaching staff. Begining with 2007 coresponding number of Annals of the Law Faculty appear in a new series. With this ocasion, the editorial board has attract academics from prestigious institutions of higher education from the country and abroad. Also, to ensure greater international scientific visibility, with the appearing of VIII number the magasine appear with articles in different foreign languages. Conviction Review Editorial Board of Law Annals of “Titu Maiorescu” University is a legal system that can achieve social and economic objectives to extent legal rules which are made known and are subjected to an analysis intended to improve critical. Our publication aims to constitute a contribution in this way.

Chief Redactor
Professor Nicolae Voiculescu, Ph.D.

The journal is indexed in the following databases:

For informations about publishing, sending articles, or other type of informations, please contact us at violeta_slavu@yahoo.com.