The Internal Quality Management System of Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest includes specific structures and instruments for assuring and evaluating the quality of education and scientific research in accordance with the legal provisions approved by the TMU Senate.

Thus, the Commission for Quality Assessment and Assurance (CEAC – TMU), established at the institutional level according to the legal provisions in force, coordinates the application of the procedures and the elaboration of the Annual Internal Evaluation Reports, supporting the TMU management in the process of continuous improvement of the institutional quality standards. The Commission for Quality Assessment and Assurance at TMU level is in charge of the Evaluation and Quality Assurance Committees at faculty level as operational structures.

The Committee for Quality Evaluation and Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences, Târgu Jiu, is responsible for establishing a set of concrete measures to promote a quality culture in the faculty, as well as to monitor their implementation.

Thus, the policy of the Faculty of Law and Business Economics of Târgu – Jiu (FDSE) regarding quality refers to:

  • Continuous improvement of the management system through training at all levels and annual analysis of this system;
  • Achievement of the quality objectives set at each beginning of the academic year and the annual analysis of their fulfillment;
  • Continuous improvement of learning and teaching through the promotion of student centered education;
  • Increasing the quality of scientific research;
  • Linking study programs to the requirements of stakeholders, students and employers.


According to the Quality Manual prepared at the FDSE, the priority objectives of the faculty in the field of quality assurance and evaluation are as follows:

  • Student focus on the entire university activity;
  • Orientation of learning towards the formation of specific competences, using participatory strategies in didactic activity;
  • Adaptation of learning content to professional career requirements;
  • Individualisation of university courses, motivating students for innovation and professional fulfillment.
  • Achieving a pragmatic balance between an academic culture and a functional culture tailored to the finality of each specialization.


In conclusion, the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Târgu – Jiu emphasizes quality as a characteristic of institutional identity by encouraging the creative – innovative spirit and the responsibility of each member of the faculty community in achieving the individual objectives.

The Committee for Quality Evaluation and Assurance, created at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences, Târgu – Jiu, consists of five teachers:

  • Associate professor, PhD. Voinea Dan – Presedent
  • Associate professor, PhD. Vatuiu Teodora – member
  • Associate professor, PhD. Paducel Ion – member
  • Associate professor, PhD. Cernaianu Nicolae – member
  • Associate professor, PhD. Tutunaru Mircea – member


  • Procedures for initiating, monitoring and periodic review of programs and activities undertaken


The processes of initiating, approving, monitoring and periodically evaluating the study programs are an integral part of the quality management system of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Targu Jiu, being essential components to ensure the continuous improvement of the quality of the educational services offered.

The regulation on the initiation, approval, monitoring and periodic evaluation of study programs approved by the TMU Senate sets out the general framework, content and stages of the initiation, approval, monitoring and periodic evaluation of bachelor and master study programs from the DE education of the University and implicitly of our faculty.

The monitoring of the study programs aims to improve the educational offer of the faculty by adapting them to the requirements and realities of the socio-economic environment, in accordance with the National Nomenclature of Bachelor’s degree fields.


Obiectivul general al proiectului l-a reprezentat creșterea relevantei programelor de studii furnizate de către Universitatea Titu Maiorescu în vederea facilitării accesului viitorilor absolvenți la piața muncii, interne și internaționale, prin îmbunătățirea a 12 programe de studii de licență și masterat, din domeniile Științe Economice și Drept, în conformitate cu CNCIS și cu dinamica sectorului antreprenorial, dar și prin consolidarea cooperării dintre universități și mediul de afaceri. Ca rezultat al proiectului au fost propuse măsuri concrete de îmbunătățire a programelor de studii şi de la Facultatea de Drept şi Ştiinţe Economice  Tg-Jiu.

By initiating, monitoring and periodically evaluating bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, as well as curricula and subject records, follow:

–    ensuring the system of competencies necessary for a specialist, ensuring the compatibility of the curricular structure at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Târgu Jiu with those of prestigious European universities as an important element for the recognition of our diplomas in the European Union countries;

–    improving the correlation of curricula with subject records and avoiding redundant thematic overlaps.

The content of subjects, as well as the existence of a subject in the curriculum, are conditioned by student feedback. It is obtained at the end of each subject, in accordance with the procedure, and it is subject to analysis at the departmental meetings and the Faculty Council, being brought to the attention of the Commission for evaluation and quality assurance in the faculty.

We must emphasize that the improvement of the curricula and the content of the study subjects is a constant concern of the faculty.

Between May 2014 and November 2015, the project POSDRU ID 138316 entitled “Developing and adapting university curricula to labor market specific skills, taking into account the requirements of CNCIS standards”, took place within the FDSE, taking part as experts Associate Professor PhD. Cernăianu Nicolae and Associate Professor PhD. Ion Neamţu.

The overall objective of the project was to increase the relevance of the study programs provided by Titu Maiorescu University in order to facilitate the access of future graduates to the internal and international labor market through the improvement of 12 bachelor and master degree programs in the fields of Economics and Law, In line with the CNCIS and the dynamics of the entrepreneurial sector, but also by strengthening cooperation between universities and business. As a result of the project, concrete measures to improve study programs and the Faculty of Law and Economics Tg-Jiu were proposed.


  • Objective and transparent procedures for evaluating learning outcomes


The examination and marking of the students is based on the criteria and evaluation techniques specified in the Student Activity Regulations in the European Credit Transfer System approved by the Senate of the University.

The process of assessing the knowledge acquired by students is governed by the “Methodology for Evaluating Learning Outcomes”. The methodology for evaluating learning outcomes sets out rules, criteria, methods and methods for objective and transparent assessment of the theoretical and practical knowledge of faculty students.

The ways of supporting exams – written test, oral test, grid test or combinations thereof, as well as formative assessments throughout the academic year, are approved for each subject in part by the Faculty Council before the beginning of the academic year.


All aspects of the evaluation modalities and conditions are included in the Subject Forms and the Educational Plans and are brought to the attention of students and master students by each subject holder at the first hour of the course.

The final evaluation also includes, in addition to the course owner, at least one specialist didactic background – the teaching staff that supports the seminars or labs or a teacher in a related field.

Upon graduation from each university course, the students are assessed on the basis of the Regulations for the organization and conduct of the bachelor’s and dissertation exams approved by the University Senate and made public, according to the law, on the TMU website. On the basis of this Regulation, the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Târgu – Jiu elaborates annually its own Methodology for organizing and conducting the bachelor and dissertation exams and makes it public at least 6 months before the final examinations in the June – July session.


  • Procedures for periodic evaluation of the quality of the teaching staff


The evaluation of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Târgu – Jiu uses several criteria and modalities stipulated in the Quality Assurance Code for didactic and scientific research and detailed in the Teaching and Scientific Research Assessment Procedure.

Assessing the quality of teaching staff is a complex activity, being the result of:

A)   self-evaluation;

B)   collective evaluation by members of the Board of the Department;

C)   assessment by students;

D)   evaluation by the Director of the Department.

The self-evaluation is done by the teacher and contains his / her own appreciation of the teaching, research and for the benefit of the academic community, written in a specially designed fiche.

Peer evaluation is done through questionnaires. The information gathered primarily focuses on the professional deontology aspects of each teacher involved in the training process as well as the personal qualities shown as a member of the department.

Student assessment is an important component in forming an opinion on the behavior, professional and moral performance of each teacher. The student evaluation form for teachers applies to all course, seminar, laboratory, postgraduate and postgraduate courses, and the results are confidential, being accessible only to the rector, the dean and the evaluated teacher.

The evaluation by the department manager aims at:

–    list of manuals, courses;

–    the way of doing the didactic activity;

–    the degree of fulfillment of the performance standards by reference to the job description and the optimal functioning requirements of the department, faculty, university.

The conclusions of all forms of evaluation are expressed in the ratings.

In this context, we also mention the graduates’ evaluation sheet, a particularly useful tool for pertinent assessments of the quality of the graduate education process.


  • Accessibility of adequate learning resources


Students of the Faculty of Law and Economics Târgu – Jiu have a wide range of learning resources: manuals, practical worksheets, seminar books, laboratory guidance, didactic CDs, accounting and statistical software, software In the field of law, MO, etc., for each study program, for each subject. These learning resources are found in the university library, departments, teaching and scientific research laboratories, etc. For all of these resources, students have free access, some of which can also be purchased for a fee, through sales points (TMU bookstore) or through online orders.

The faculty also has peripheral equipment at high standards, facilitates internet access for all students, and encourages teachers to use modern presentation tools (videoconferencing equipment, laptops, video projectors, projection screens, etc.).


  • Systematically updated database on internal quality assurance


Titu Maiorescu University and implicitly the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Târgu – Jiu collects, processes and analyzes data and information through the GISC computer system, implemented in TMU.


  • Transparency of public interest information


The Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Târgu – Jiu offers current information and data in line with the reality about specializations, study programs, diplomas, teaching and research staff, facilities offered to students. The information is provided through the University’s website (faculty page or through flyers, brochures, posters , the faculty’s notice board, faculty’s facebook page, etc.


  • Functionality of the quality assurance structures of education, according to the law


The activity of the Evaluation and Quality Assurance Committee at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Targu Jiu is carried out according to the provisions of the Regulation for the organization and functioning of the Commission for Quality Assessment and Quality Assurance at Titu Maiorescu University.

In order to implement a coherent policy of continuous quality assurance and improvement, the Quality Manual of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Targu Jiu was developed by the Commission.

The Faculty Commission also annually elaborates an Internal Evaluation Report on the quality of educational and research services at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Târgu Jiu. This report is brought to the attention of all interested parties by display on the TMU website on the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences of Târgu Jiu page .