– 1st semester –

1.P.1.1.1Fundamentele psihologiei I / Basics of Psychology I5
2.P.1.1.5Istoria psihologiei / History of Psychology5
3.P.1.1.7Genetica comportamentului uman / Human Behaviour Genetics5
4.P.1.1.9Psihologie experimentală / Experimental Psychology4
5.P.1.1.10Limba engleza I / English language I2
6.P.1.1.13Educatie fizica / Physical education2
7.P.1.1.15Analiza superioara a datelor / Superior data analysis3
8.P.1.1.17Introducere în filosofia minţii / Introduction to Philosophy of Mind4
9.P.1.1.19Sociologie / Sociology2


– 2nd semester –

1.P.1.2.2Fundamentele psihologiei II / Basics of Psychology II5
2.P.1.2.3Bazele teoretice ale evaluarii psihologice / The theoretical bases of psychological evaluation5
3.P.1.2.4Neuropsihologie / Neurophysiology4
4.P.1.2.6Psihologie sociala I / Social psychology I4
5.P.1.2.8Prelucrarea informatizata a datelor / Computerized data processing4
6.P.1.2.11Limba engleza II / English language II2
7.P.1.2.12Practică de specialitate I / Practical activity I4
8.P.1.2.14Educatie fizica / Physical education2
9.P.1.2.21Logică / Logics2


Disclaimer: the aim of this page is to help you fill in the Learning Agreement before the mobility. Sometimes the curriculum is subject to change due to various reasons, therefore, please check the validity of your classes with your Erasmus+ coordinator upon your arrival at Titu Maiorescu University. You can change the Learning Agreement at the beginning of the mobility.