– 1st semester –
1. | P.3.5.1 | Psihopatologie şi Psihiatrie / Psychopathology and psychiatry | 6 |
2. | P.3.5.2 | Fundamentele Psihoterapiei / Fundamentals of psychotherapy | 6 |
3. | P.3.5.4 | Introducere în Psihologia Resurselor Umane / Introduction to human resourses psychology | 5 |
4. | P.3.5.8 | Psihologia Educaţiei / Psychology of education | 5 |
5. | P.3.5.11 | Sugestiologie (Opțional) / Sugestiology (Optional) | 5 |
6. | P.3.5.12 | Psihoterapii de scurtă durata (Opțional) / Short-term psychotherapies (Optional) | 5 |
7. | P.3.5.15 | Psihopatologie psihanalitică (Opțional) / Psychoanalytic psychopathology (Optional) | 3 |
8. | P.3.5.16 | Psihologie Clinică (Opțional) / Clinical psychology (Optional) | 3 |
– 2nd semester –
1. | P.3.6.3 | Bazele Psihoterapiei Cognitiv – Comportamentale / The basics of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy | 5 |
2. | P.3.6.5 | Tehnici Proiective / Projective Tehniques | 6 |
3. | P.3.6.6 | Psihologia Cuplului şi a Sexualităţii / The Psychology of couples and sexuality | 6 |
4. | P.3.6.7 | Psihologie Economică / Economic psychology | 5 |
5. | P.3.6.9 | Consiliere Educațională şi Vocaţională / Educational and vocational counselling | 3 |
6. | P.3.6.10 | Practică de Specialitate pentru Elaborarea Lucrării de Licenţă / Specialized practice for the preparing of graduate thesis | 2 |
7. | P.3.6.13 | Psihologia Învăţării (Opțional) / Psychology of learning (Optional) | 3 |
8. | P.3.6.14 | Modele logico-analitice ale relațiilor psihosociale (Opțional) / Logical-analytical models of psychosocial relationships (Optional) | 3 |
Disclaimer: the aim of this page is to help you fill in the Learning Agreement before the mobility. Sometimes the curriculum is subject to change due to various reasons, therefore, please check the validity of your classes with your Erasmus+ coordinator upon your arrival at Titu Maiorescu University. You can change the Learning Agreement at the beginning of the mobility.